What is TuiNa Massage?

TuiNa (pronounced "twee-nah") is a therapeutic body treatment central to the healing practices of traditional Chinese medicine. It is a deeply rooted technique designed to stimulate the body's vital energy or Qi, promoting balance and health. By combining rhythmic massage strokes with pressure on specific points along the body's meridians, TuiNa activates the body's own healing mechanisms.

How Does TuiNa Work?

TuiNa massage employs a variety of techniques such as pressing, kneading, rolling, and vibrations to target the body's acupuncture points and meridians. This method aims to improve the flow of Qi and circulation within the body, which, in turn, can alleviate pain, reduce tension, and enhance mobility. TuiNa is particularly effective for managing musculoskeletal conditions such as neck pain, back pain, and sports injuries, as well as treating stress-related conditions and promoting relaxation.

TuiNa Massage - Chai (拆) - Plucking

Benefits of TuiNa Massage

  • Improves Circulation: By stimulating blood flow, TuiNa helps to nourish the body and facilitate faster recovery.
  • Reduces Pain and Stiffness: Effective in alleviating pain caused by various conditions, including arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.
  • Promotes Relaxation and Well-being: Reduces stress and anxiety by restoring the balance between body and mind.
  • Enhances Flexibility and Mobility: Dissolves muscle knots and increases the range of motion.
  • Supports the Body's Natural Healing Processes: Stimulates the body's defenses to fight diseases and restore health.

Who is TuiNa Suitable For?

TuiNa is adaptable and can be used by individuals of all ages and health statuses. From toddlers* to the elderly, TuiNa offers customized treatments targeting individual needs and health conditions. However, it's important to consult with a qualified TuiNa therapist to ensure the treatment is appropriate for you.

Experience TuiNa Massage Today

If you're looking for a natural and effective method to improve your health and well-being, TuiNa massage is an excellent choice. Discover this healing art and let it profoundly transform your well-being.

In clinic sessions where I find TuiNa to be the optimal complement to DNA Healing, it will be woven into your treatment in consultation with you.

Duveroth Working Hours

Monday to Friday

09:00 - 12:00


09:00 - 12:00


09:00 - 12:00

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