Energy Healing & DNA Remembrance:
A Holistic Approach

Awaken Your True Essence with Energy Healing

Energy healing serves as a gateway to the body's intrinsic ability to heal itself, aiming to restore balance within the energy system. This profound method involves various techniques to manipulate the body's energy flows, enhancing overall health and well-being, alleviating stress, and removing blockages that hinder physical, emotional, and spiritual growth.

Introducing DNA Remembrance: Align with Your Infinite Potential

The core of my services is DNA Remembrance, my own method that has evolved (or rather, been simplified and refined) as I have reawakened memories of my own true power.

DNA Remembrance is a deeply reconnecting process designed to awaken the essence of who you truly are. This approach invites you to remember the deepest aspects of your being so that your DNA codes can once again resonate with your source essence.

It's a gateway to realizing that you have never been completely disconnected from the extraordinary abilities inherent in the human being.

Journey Inward: Discover and Release Your Infinite Potential

DNA Remembrance encourages a journey of deep self-exploration, affirming that the path to unlocking our boundless capabilities lies within. Though this journey is deeply personal and cannot be undertaken by anyone else, it's common to encounter moments of feeling stuck or blocked. In these times, a gentle yet profound energetic "nudge" can make a significant difference.

DNA Remembrance in Clinic and Distance Sessions

I am proud to announce that DNA Remembrance sessions are now available both remotely and at my new clinic. These sessions I combine with complementary methods such as TuiNa, Acupressure, and Moxa/Cupping, tailored to suit your individual needs.

While DNA Remembrance remains the foundation of my practice, the incorporation of these techniques allows for a holistic healing experience that addresses the physical along with the mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Personalized Healing for Every Individual

At my clinic, you can experience a hands-on approach that combines the transformative power of DNA Remembrance with the physical benefits of traditional healing methods. This comprehensive strategy ensures a balanced healing journey that meets your needs on multiple levels.

For those who prefer or need to engage in this journey from afar, my distance sessions offer powerful opportunities for insight and healing. These sessions aim to provide the energetic support needed to clear blockages and allow your unique vibrational signature to shine through, facilitating a deeper connection to your true essence.

Embark on Your Healing Journey With Me

Whether you choose to visit me in the clinic for a session tailored to your holistic needs, or engage in the transformative process remotely, my goal is to guide you toward a deeper, more harmonious expression of yourself. Through the integration of DNA Remembrance and complementary healing methods, I offer a path to deeper self-discovery, well-being, and the unlocking of your innate potential.

Embrace this journey with me and explore the depth of healing and transformation waiting to be revealed within you. My approach ensures that each step taken is a stride towards profound change, deep healing, and the ultimate realization of your limitless nature.

Healing session in Clinic

Duveroth Working Hours

Monday to Friday

09:00 - 12:00


09:00 - 12:00


09:00 - 12:00

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